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My Personal Values and Going Forward in Programming.

Myers Briggs test profile
My profile that was generated from
Having been given the task of self-evaluation and identifying my personal values, I quickly looked up the recommended Myers Briggs test. After looking through a few of them, I discovered a website called This website gives a free assessment of what your personality is like within the Myers Briggs guidelines. So I took the test and got some revealing answers.

Taking the Test

Before having taken the test, I would have said that my personal values are kindness, being decisive and I can be very self-critical at times. The test results revealed my personality to be an assertive advocate. The website describes an assertive advocate as people who are “more likely to be confident and relaxed.” This fit in with me thinking of myself as being decisive.

Myers Briggs test profile
My results from

My Culture

I feel as though having been raised in a Korean household where respect is held in high regard has lead me to be a kind person. Then on the other hand, having been raised in New Zealand and being surrounded by the Kiwi culture I feel I am relaxed and confident because of the New Zealand environment.


The test and my own thoughts on what my personal values are really gave me some good insight into what makes me, me. Going forward into my studies in programming and development, I feel that I can use my kindness and decisive nature to succeed in my learning and grow. I can also work on being too self-critical and become a better person for it.