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A Brief Reflection on my Upcoming Journey in Programming.

This is a short reflection on things to think about as I progress through my journey into programming. I am going to outline some of my long term goals and potential career pathways, soft skills that I would like to develop during my studies, my strengths and limitations and my commitment to seeing my studies through. I will also describe how I will seek help when I need it as this is something that I find to be a weakness of mine.

Developing Soft Skills

Throughout my studies I want to be less self-critical as I had previously expressed in my personal values post. I want to be able to confidently showcase any projects without scrutinising myself over every little detail. I think having the opportunity to study along a host of other people will help me in being able to just show my work instead of keeping it hidden until I think it’s perfect.

My Strengths and Weaknesses

Being overly self-critical is a weakness of mine, but it can also be viewed as one of my strengths. This is because I do want to make sure everything is up to a high standard. Another weakness of mine is feeling like I bother people when asking for help. This can be viewed as a strength as well because it is a good thing to research and try and find answers before asking others for help. However, I think I am going to make it a big point to ask for help if I have exhausted all resources and I am truly stuck on a problem.


In the long term I would like to get into the tech industry by being a programmer for a company that is affecting people’s everyday lives. I know that this will take time and will start with me giving my all in studying at Enspiral Dev Academy. I am going take it on step at a time and enjoy my studies and what the future holds for me.