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Foundations Final Reflection.

Now that the foundations portion of studying with Enspiral Dev Academy has finished I spent some time looking back and reflecting on my learning journey. Emphasis was placed on the core curriculum as it is a unique aspect of learning at EDA.

Three new things I learned about myself

  • I learned that I am more patient than I thought I was.
  • I learned that sometimes it is alright to take time away from the code and come back to it later.
  • I learned that failure is a part of success and that failing will help in answering those problems.

What are the roles of values, empathy and self awareness in learning and programming?

I think that the values, empathy and self awareness really help a person in understanding how to learn and program, and also how to learn and program with other people.

What has surprised you the most about the core learning?

The thing that surprised me the most was how therapeutic it felt to journal and reflect on a consistent basis. I had previously not reflected consistently like this and I feel it was a good exercise in learning more about myself.

What were the most challenging aspects of the core learning?

The most challenge aspect for me was being able to get over my self consciousness in writing down my thoughts. I learned that my answer doesn’t have to be “perfect” and that I should just write down what I’m thinking and how I feel.

Why do you think EDA, a programming school, are spending so much time focusing on core learning in a web development bootcamp course?

I think EDA is focusing a lot on core learning because by doing so it is helping us students understand ourselves and our learning habits. It is also very beneficial to working in a team environment to be able to self reflect and know what you do well and what you can improve on. That is why I think that EDA focuses on the core learning so much.

Does the time you spent studying core learning here feel like a waste of time? Should you have just used that time to practicing programming instead?

Like I’ve said in earlier answers I feel that the reflection time and learning about different aspects of human emotion and intelligence through the core curriculum has really helped in understanding how I learn and how I can move forward with learning. I think taking time away from programming, sometimes, can be beneficial when stuck or frustrated.


I have so far enjoyed the core aspects of learning and I feel has improved my understanding of myself and specifically how I learn in the context of programming and problem solving. I hope I can continue reflecting, whether that's through a blog or on pen and paper.